Weekly Photo Challenge – Names

I’ve been feeling very nostalgic recently. I’m not sure if it’s because of the holidays or my approaching birthday, but I’ve been going through old pictures and reminiscing.

When I was born, I was the first grandchild on my Father’s side. My Grandmother had two boys and was over-joyed for a granddaughter. When my Parents were deciding on my name, my Grandmother said “I always wanted a Little Renee.”  So…”Renee” it was.

After my Grandparent’s passed away, I inherited several photo albums and cardboard boxes filled with photos. Some of the photos date back to the early 1900’s and most of the pictures are meticulously labeled with family member’s names, dates, and locations.

I’ve framed many of the photos and I look at them often. In addition to photos of family members, my Grandparents took many beautiful landscape shots. They loved the colors of the changing leaves in their hometown of Johnstown, Pa. I have many vintage photos of the fall foliage of Western Pennsylvania.

Since I discovered photography later in life, I didn’t get to share my hobby with my Grandparents. I think they would have enjoyed looking at my photos and sharing this passion with me. Not just because I was “Little Renee,” but because they were also photographers at heart.

2 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Names

  1. Pingback: Names: Dura Vermeer | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: What’s In A Name? – Say It With A Camera

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